Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Minutes, Meeting December 3, 2014 5:00 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by Vice-President, Lewis Curran at 5:01 p.m. Members present: Betty, Tina, Shellie, Briana, Bonnie E., Herk, Elizabeth, Larry H., Kathy, Tania, Terri, Chief Alvord and Secretary Lisa.
II. Approve Minutes of November 5, 2014 – MSC McCall/Cato. To approve the minutes of the November 5, 2014 meeting, as presented.
III. Reports:
A. Treasurer: (Marjie) –Absent; Lisa stated no report.
B. Events: (Tina/Scott) Tina sent a thank you note to the Trinity County Sheriff’s Auxiliary for supplying more candy during Halloween. Lewis thanked Betty for getting the candy at a discount.
IV. Action Items:
A. Marketing Materials (Tina) – Tina suggested having Support Services business cards to hand out to people and to have in some businesses around town. Lisa will make the cards.
B. FF Appreciation/Awards Dinner (Lisa or Scott) – There was discussion on various places to hold the dinner. Scott suggested waiting to see how TCLS success in their Holiday Dinner goes and possibly doing the same thing.
C. Valentine’s Day Roses (Lisa) – If anyone is interested in helping with the process, let Lisa know. Will have more details as the day approaches. Support Services will only help, the firefighters will still need to have the majority roll in selling them.
D. Bingo in January (Marjie or Vicki) – Both absent; general discussion on where help is needed – a sign-up sheet was passed around. The first bingo is on January 4, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
E. Fundraiser for supplying dorms and fire safe house (Tina) – Scott announced that the Department is sending out a donation letter to the community. Support Services to help tape the letter shut in order to mail it out. Will see how much money they receive from that and then go from there.
V. Unit Reports:
A. Logistics: (Tania) – No report.
B. EMS Support: (Serena) – Absent: No report.
C. Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) – Absent: Scott reported that Ernie has fixed a few small items around the station.
D. Technology: (Lisa) – Mike keeping up on the website, and facebook. Discussion on bingo and other events placed on Chamber of Commerce calendar and the Trinity Journal Calendar. Marjie absent: no report on if that was established.
E. Public Events/Education: (Lisa) – Scott reported that Douglas City Elementary School would like the State Farm Fire Safe House at their school. Scott and Lisa to have a meeting with them tomorrow, then we will notify of the details. Hoping DCFD will help, along with WFDSS (Tina to talk to DCFD). Lisa will e-mail details as they are available. Tentative dates for the event are December 17, 18, and 19th. Filling goodie bags will occur on December 15th and 16th from noon on. The materials will be laid out so members can come in any time they are available to help.
F. Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) – No report.
VI. Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: Discussion on items to be auctioned off during bingo sessions. Tania, Bonnie E., and Terri to get items together and baskets made. Lona has tea cups, saucers, and silver spoons to auction off. MVP Floors will donate some items for raffle. Shellie may not be available for dinner meetings in January and February; will have meal crews to cook on those months. It was suggested to have pork for Jan. and Spaghetti for Feb. Larry H. will speak to Q97 radio station to see if they will talk about the donation letter for free. Topics for next meeting: WFDSS business cards, bingo, Valentine Roses.
VII. Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m.